Monday, February 10th, 2025
Learn to Skate Lessons

Learn to Skate Lessons for beginner skaters 4-12 years old.
Fundamentals of basic skating skill will be the focus of the classes. Standing, balance, marching, dips, and pushes will be the focus for our first time skaters. We will also introduce backward skating and some skate edge skills. More advanced skaters, or skaters that have already taken a session or two of this program will work on: stopping, crossovers, transitions and edge control. Many skills will be incorporated into fun games that instructors will play with the skaters. We will also host a "Bring a Buddy Skate" for a public skate session or the last night of classes where we encourage our skaters to bring a friend or family member for no charge!
This is a 6 week program and we run 4 programs a year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter). Classes are on Wednesday nights. Typically skaters will complete 1 or 2 Learn to Skate Programs and 1 or 2 Learn to Play Hockey Programs before moving onto you Arrowhead Youth Hockey.
This is a 6 week program and we run 4 programs a year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter). Classes are on Wednesday nights. Typically skaters will complete 1 or 2 Learn to Skate Programs and 1 or 2 Learn to Play Hockey Programs before moving onto you Arrowhead Youth Hockey.
Resident rate applies to those living within the Arrowhead Union School District. Contact Courtney for more information-
Sign up early to reserve your spot!
SPRING Session Starts April 2nd - LEARN TO SKATE
WE TRY TO PULL KIDS OFF THE WAIT LIST . . . So if we are full, make sure to sign up on the wait list.